Sunday, March 2, 2008

TIP "Progress"

I'm not sure weekly updates are going to show too much to the very end, but I'll try to make a few observations.

I have two teachers that continue to use Moodle in various capacities. My two new teachers are planning on using Moodle in the following ways:

High School English Teacher: Plans to use the glossary module to have her students create a vocab list for their current unit. With my help she now has her classes set up, but I do not believe her students have started using it yet.

4th Grade Teacher: The main problem she encountered was that her students are too young to have email addresses. Moodle requires an email address. Looking through the Moodle forums, the best option I could find was to have her add her students with dummy email addresses. She is currently planning on creating quizzes for her social studies units, but has yet to actually use it with her students.

In an informal survey of my students who currently use Moodle, most of them related that they like Moodle because there is always a list of their assignments there and they can turn in their assignments online.

That's it for now.

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