Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Two Week Plan:

Gain proficiency in iMovie ’08 for classroom use (and Final Cut Express for personal/professional use).

Gain proficiency in Fireworks in order to confidently and knowledgeably instruct students in use of graphics software (Gimp, Seashore, etc.).

Gain proficiency in Garageband in order to confidently and knowledgeably instruct students in podcast production.

Year Plan:

Gain proficiency in server administration as it relates to file management and maintenance and organization of school Learning Management Software.

Establish a guiding purpose and template for middle school portfolios

Collaborative time with one teacher per grade level and core subject by end of year (What are you teaching and how can I help you integrate technology).

Regular and efficient use of some yet-to-be-determined photo sharing application.

PDA - Initial Thoughts

I am still not quite sure how to best showcase my work for my PDA. I would say I have a fairly large web presence, but no one thing (blog, webpage, wiki) that is particularly dominate. Up until a year ago my personal blog was clearly my most dominate web presence, and it is my goal to restart that in the fall since I'll have a bit more time on my hands. My initial thought, then, is to post all of my content to my MSU website. I can then embed some of my work on my blog, provide a link to the full content in those posts and put a permanent link to my work in the sidebar.