Saturday, February 2, 2008

TIP Progress So Far

During the first semester I had 3 teachers, two on the high school level and one on the middle school level use Moodle in some capacity.

One high school teacher found it cumbersome and found that it really didn't do what he wanted it to do and doesn't plan on using it again this year.

Each of the other teachers like using it and plan to continue to use it during 2nd semester. This current semester I also plan on having at least one other high school teacher and an elementary teacher start using Moodle in some capacity.

This will put me at 4 teachers, maybe 5, which is about what I expected since we are a small school. I look forward to seeing how these other two teachers implement Moodle in their classes.

1 comment:

SuhasiniI said...

Hey Matthew,
Vienna must be frrreezing.....
Is one of the two teacherstesting out the Moodle,a High School science teacher? I am just curious since if this was working out well in your school I could request my IT colleague to set it up for me.