Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My TIP in 3 Sentences

My Inquiry project introduces a small group of teachers to Moodle in order for them to use it in some capacity in their classes. I am looking to see how they use Moodle for their class, and whether this leads them to use more features of Moodle and/or use it in additional classes. I am also looking to see if use of Moodle in the classroom also leads teachers to explore using other technology in their classes.


David W said...

Matt K.

You’ve prepared a thoughtful, thorough TIP proposal. I think this is challenging work since you may be dealing with teachers who are not necessarily warm to the idea of using more technology in the class. I think a BIG factor related to their experience with technology with be the training and support you provide. In fact, in my opinion, you play just as big a role as Moodle. Therefore, I recommend that you collect some data (interview is my preference) about the teacher’s experience of the training and support, and then see how that relates to their use of Moodle, their attitudes, etc. What do you think? David W.

Gaoming said...


You have a very detailed and thorough proposal. And it looks like you plan to play a very big role in providing training at the beginning and offer on-going support. I would suggest you document your interaction with these teachers, such as what type of questions they have, what are their feelings, what you have helped them with… Such data may help you to explain what you get from other data sources, such as teacher survey. What do you think of this?

Gaoming Z.

Matt Klein said...

Thank you David and Gaoming for your suggestions.

I have not, so far, collected any data concerning the training and support, but I think that's a good idea that I overlooked.

Fortunately most of my interaction with the teachers in my small group has been via email or in a formal interview time. I have been careful to save the emails so that I can go back and look at them later. I am going to end up with 4-6 early adopters of Moodle not including myself. I am finding that the type of questions I get from teachers so far has to do more with their level of experience with technology and less to do with the grade level(elementary vs. secondary) they teach, or the actual subject matter (English, History, Science, etc).

I have found that surveys help me get a broad idea of how they're feeling, but the interviews have given me further depth into what their problems and experiences with Moodle are.

Mrs. Lewis said...

Hey Matt! Im using moodle in my classroom! I dont know dude, its a lot of work and Im not sure how long teachers are going to keep up with it. Its a part time job... without pay... but its really really neat... only when students or in my case parents use it! This will be challenging work. Let me know if I can give you some advice (as a teacher using it).